Start A Blog: Why Authors Need To Start A Blog

Blog concept with technology icons design, vector illustration 10 eps graphic.

Have you ever wanted to start a blog? Maybe you’ve pondered it but being a writer of books you’ve questioned yourself if it is necessary in order to boost your brand, your profile or business as an author. Besides you are already writing a ton of words everyday, why do you need to write more.

To start a blog takes commitment. I started this blog off to help other authors sell more books. I have had good success as an author with nine #1 Amazon in category in three years, so I figured I had some skills that maybe useful to other writers in helping them become more successful.

While a lot of people start a blog as a hobby writing about their daily activities, travels or even fitness workouts, I had a specific end goal in mind. Help others and they in turn would help me.

I figured out right from the ‘get-go’ that I would never be the next James Patterson. I would always be a ‘working author’ – enough writing skills to entertain readers but I would need a side gig to boost my income.

But that’s my plans as to why I would want to start a blog. Yours maybe different. Perhaps your reasons may include:

  1. To Have Fun

    I like writing and I like connecting with people. I read a lot of varied blogs and I’m fascinated by the stories bloggers write about. To me it’s fun and the reason why I’ve been blogging since 2007.

  2. Blogging For Authors

    No matter what type of blog you have, you are helping others. Someone may be motivated by your blog posts, they may learn something new, they may find enjoyment from reading your writing, and so on.

    I like to talk about book writing and publishing so that I can help others. For me, I have learned a lot (and I’m still learning) about blogging, extra income, book marketing and everything else – all from other bloggers.

    Hopefully, my blog posts help and motivate others to be awesome with their book business as well. For example, I hope that all of my extra marketing posts help motivate others to create multiple streams of income. I hope that others will want to become full time authors and earn a healthy living . I hope that others want to become more in control of their lives and leave their corporate gigs for a life of freedom.

  3. Connect To A Community

    I’ve made a lot of good friends through my blog. And, I love receiving emails from readers and blog friends that I’ve made. Being able to connect and learn from others is one of the biggest positives of blogging.

  4. Developing As An Author

    A blog can help you grow in so many ways. You will most likely become even more passionate in the topics that you love, you will constantly learn new things, you will meet many new people, and more. Naturally you are strengthening your ‘writing muscle’ – and that’s got to be a good thing.

  5. Building Your Author Business

    Of course, I have to include this as a reason to start a blog. Blogging can be a great way to improve the business you already have, or to create a business all on its own.

    I know several successful bloggers and they all say the same thing, that blogging is the best thing that has ever happened to them. I agree!

Whatever your reason, as an author you should definitely start a blog.

Categories: Blogging
Greg Reed:
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