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Author Facebook Page Likes: How To Boost For FREE

Here’s how to boost your Author Facebook Likes without paying a cent.

Yes you can do it for free. In this video I refer to the real estate industry BUT my tips are applicable to all industries.

As an author your merely have to make your research more author refined. Who are your competing authors in your genre.

Mystery thriller authors will compete against James Patterson, Lee Child, Peter James and so many more. Check out their Facebook fan pages and view their evergreen content – content that is getting the most likes, shares and comments.

Don’t be afraid to post this high converting content to your Facebook page. Review how these posts go on your Facebook page by reviewing your Insights found in your page settings.

Continue this practice until you have enough good content on your website including social media marketing tips, video marketing or email marketing strategies. This is how you can boost your Facebook page likes, get more followers and grow your reach.

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